Posts tagged rock climb tahoe
Detox your groove

Since we have full creative freedom to personalize the environment of our homes, we can choose to set the atmosphere of our lives.

When we want to feel healthier, we immediately want to think of hydration, food, and exercise. While I will never dispute these intrinsically important elements of health, I think it is important we search (our homes, work, behaviors, and habits) for areas that are subject to toxicity. Sometimes, we are just unsure about where to look.

these small hacks can help detox your routine in a big way

  1. Eat foods we were designed to eat, which is not necessarily foods we want to eat.

  2. Eat raw a couple of days a week or just skip meat a couple of days a week.

  3. Feeling like you a need a body restart? Try a detox. We have created our own based off of current research, experience, and academia. We call it the “Combination Detox” and you can learn more here.

  4. Try switching to green (matcha), black, white, yerba mate or oolong tea rather than coffee or energy beverages for cleaner feeling energy. Try switching to loose leaf or high-quality herbal teas instead of sodas, sugar-dense electrolyte drinks for a health boost (see our favorite local tea shops).

  5. Move your body, every day. Doesn’t matter what time of day, or what sort activity, but get out there. Use Tahoe as an excuse to explore, hike, bike, and romp around. Even if you are local, there are still places out there you have never seen, go see them! Try stretching first or advance into some yoga classes. (yoga studios we love).

  6. Try a new sport or hobby every month to stay active, learn something new, and challenge your body (and mind). There are plenty of places to rent mountain bikes, paddleboards, climbing gear, or try wakesufing, backpacking, camping, hiking, or biking.

  7. Substitute chemical products with plant-based products, not only are they generally a lot more gentle for the air, surfaces, and your skin, but (depending on the source) they can come packed with benefits.

  8. Turn off the TV and/or social media for a week, a month, a day even. This will give you more time to start a new hobby or complete the other things on this list!

  9. Rather than spending time on the newest show on Netflix or taking personality quizzes on Facebook, listen to audiobooks and podcasts to get your knowledge growing (we have a list of them we think are pretty special

  10. Integrate a morning routine, is it that you drink a glass of water or stretch as the first thing you do to greet your day? Or is it making a to-do list while sipping coffee? Whatever it is, you can find time for things you have been meaning to do, if you take some time to write out and organize your am/pm routines.